Training Scheme
The Craftsmen Training Scheme was introduced by the Government of India in
1950 to ensure a steady flow
of skilled workers in different trades for the domestic industry, to raise
quantitatively and qualitatively the
industrial production by systematic training, to reduce unemployment among
the educated youth by providing
them employable training, to cultivate and nurture a technical and
industrial attitude in the minds
of the younger generation. The Scheme, the most important in the field of
vocational training, has been
shaping craftsmen to meet the existing as well as future manpower need,
through the vast network of
ITIs in the various states/union territories in the country. The
day-to-day administration of ITIs under the
Craftsmen Training Scheme was transferred to the stale governments/union
territory administrations with
effect from the year 1956 |
Objects of
the scheme |
ensure a steady flow of skilled workers in different trades for the
raise the quality and quantity of industrial production by systematic
training of workers; and
reduce unemployment among the educated youth by equipping them for
suitable industrial employment.
Council for Vocational Training (NCVT)
In pursuance of the recommendation of the All India Council for Technical
Education, the Government of
India in the Ministry of Labour Resolution No. RTA-428(5)/dated the 22nd
May. 1951. appointed a committee
called the National Trade Certification Investigation Committee with
instructions to prepare a
scheme for the establishment of an All India Trades Board which would
award certificates of proficiency to
craftsmen in the various engineering and building trades. The report of
this committee as also the recommendation
of the Training and Employment Services Organization Committee (known as
the Shiva Rao Committee) have been considered by the Government of India.
The government agreed with both the
committees that there is need for setting up a central agency for
coordinating the training programmes in
the country bringing about uniformity of standards and awarding
certificates of proficiency in craftsmanship on an All-India basis. Such a
step is the interest of both the industry and the workers in as much as it
ensures that
the holders of National Certificates possess a minimum recognized degree
of skill. In addition,
it facilitates mobility of tradesmen and their employment. |
The Government of India have also decided to transfer the administration
of the training organization under
the Directorate General of Resettlement and Employment to the control of
the State Government concerned,
retaining for themselves the functions of coordinating craftsmen training
and laying down the training
policy. This decision has further accentuated the need for central agency
for assisting or advising the
Central Government in the discharge of their responsibilities regarding
craftsmen training. It has accordingly
been decided, in consultation with the State governments and other
concerned parties, to set up
a National Council for Vocational Training. Accordingly with a view to
ensure and maintain uniformity in
the standards of training all over the Country, the National Council for
Vocational Training, an advisory body, was set up by the Government of India in the year 1956.
The Council has been entrusted with
the responsibilities of prescribing standards and curricula for Craftsmen
Training, advising the Government
of India on the overall policy and programmes, conducting All India Trade
Tests and awarding National Trade Certificates. The National Council is chaired by
the Minister of Labour, with members
representing Central and State Government departments, employers' and
workers' organizations, professional"
and learned bodies. All India Council for Technical Education, scheduled@
castes and scheduled tribes.
All India Women's Organization, etc. The State Council for Vocational
Training at the state level and
the Trade Committees have been established to assist the National Council. |
of NCVT |
Council shall function as a central agency to advise the Government of
India in framing
the training policy and coordinating vocational training throughout India. |
of NCVT |
and award National Trade Certificates in engineering, building,
textile and leather trades
and such
other trades as may be brought within its scope by the Government of
standards in respect of syllabi, equipment, scale of accommodation,
and duration of courses and
methods of training;
trade tests in various trade courses and lay down standards of
proficiency required for a pass
in the examination leading to the award of National Trade Certificate;
for ad-hoc or periodical inspections of training institutions in the
country to ensure that the
standards prescribed by the council are being followed;
training institutions run by government or by private agencies for
purposes of the grant of
National Trade Certificates and lay down conditions for such
if necessary, any person or persons to advise the council in
connection with its work;
qualification for the technical staff of training institutions;
the standards and conditions of eligibility for the award of National
Trade Certificates;
control the conditions for the award of National Trade Certificates;
the provision of additional training facilities wherever necessary and
render such
in the setting up of additional training institutions or in the
organization of additional training programmes as may be possible;.
the Central government regarding distribution to State governments of
the contribution of
Government of India towards expenditure on the Craftsmen Training
such other function as may be entrusted to it by the Government of
such functions as are assigned by or under the Apprentices Act, 1961.
- Trade
tests in various courses will be arranged by or under the authority of the
Council for Vocational Training and certificates duly approved by it will
be awarded to successful candidates.
- The
Council's functions in regard to inspection of Training
shall be exercised through the Directorate of Training. Training
institutions which have already been
recognized or which have applied for recognition by the National Council
shall afford all facilities for
inspection to the staff of the Directorate of Training or any member of
the National Council examining body
in a state or of any committee appointed by the National Council.
Council for Vocational Training (SCVT) |
- There
are State Councils corresponding to the National Council to deal all
matters relating to vocational
training at the
level of the; State.
of SCVT |
- The
State Council which is affiliated to the National Council for Vocational
Training functions
as a state agency to advise the State government, in carrying out the
training policy laid down by
the National Council and to co-ordinate the Vocational Training Programme
throughout the State.
of SCVT |
carry out the policy of the National Council with regard to the award
of National Trade Certificates in engineering and non engineering
trades as may be brought within its scope by the Central or State
implement the decision and carry out the policy laid down by the:
National Council in respect of syllabi, equipment, scale of
accommodation, duration of courses and method' of training;
establish State...Board of. Examination in vocational trades;
arrange for. ad-hoc or periodical inspection of the training
institutes/centres in the Slate and
ensure that
the standards prescribed by the National Council are being followed;
co-opt, if necessary, any person or persons to advise the States
Council in connection 'with its work;
ensure that the staff is employed according to the qualifications
prescribed by the National Council
and relax qualifications in special circumstances to be recorded, for
trades where such staff is not easily available;
ensure that the examinations are conducted by the State Board of
Examinations according to the standards and the manner prescribed by the National Council;
counter-sign and issue the National Trade Certificates to successful
recommend the provision of additional training facilities, wherever
necessary, and render such assistance
in the setting up of additional training programmes as may be
advise the State; Government regarding expenditure on different
training schemes; and
perform such other functions as may be entrusted to it by, the State
State Council shall constitute a
Board of Examination as a committee of the State Council, which shall
perform, the following functions :
constitute a Local Board of Examination at each examination centre;
co-opt outside experts on Local Board of Exanimation as and when
make necessary arrangements for the proper conduct of examinations
including the provision of
raw materials, answer books and other stationery at the examination
fix scale of remuneration of the outside experts on the Local Board of
Examination and arrange payment thereof;
ensure compliance with the standards prescribed by the National
Council for the conduct of the examination;
declare final results; and
submit a yearly report to the State Council regarding its activities
and to suggest measures for effecting improvements.
Training in Trades
Training in Engineering
- The aim of the training is to equip
the trainees for suitable industrial employment. The duration of the
training is either one year or two years depending on the trades.
- List
of Engineering Trades with qualification.
Training in Non-Engineering